Teaching and Examining Opportunities
OSCE 2024-25 Examiner Training
Each year hundreds of our MBChB and Physician Associate students complete their OSCEs and new examiners are always needed. The University of Leeds provides full training through a blended learning course. Participants who complete the course then have the opportunity of joining in the examining fun at our OSCE days during the Spring and Summer terms.
This training is only available to those employed by a Leeds University MBChB/PA placement provider.
For further information about OSCE examiner training dates and how to get involved in OSCE examining please contact mededcpd@leeds.ac.uk
Volunteer to be a MMI interviewer
Interested in helping select the next generation of doctors?
Our Admissions Team in the School of Medicine are currently recruiting volunteers to train to be MMI interviewers.
MMI interviews aim to evaluate essential skills such as communication, critical thinking, and teamwork. Full training will be given and interviews take place in early January and early March 2025.
Training to be a MMI interviewer is often the first step to getting involved with medical education here at Leeds.
Interested and would like further information? Please email medassociates@leeds.ac.uk
MBChB IDEALS Facilitators
Are you interested in supporting the personal and professional development of medical students at Leeds? Do you have experience of teaching, mentoring or coaching undergraduate medical students or health professionals?
The School of Medicine is looking to recruit inspiring and engaging facilitators to assist in the delivery and assessment of the Innovation, Development, Enterprise, Leadership and Safety (IDEALS) strand of the MBChB programme.
Applications for the IDEALS facilitator scheme have now closed. If you wish to be contacted about future opportunities, please email mededcpd@leeds.ac.uk
MBChB Safer Medic Tutors
MBChB Safer Medic Tutors contribute to the delivery of the Year 3 SAFER-MEDIC programme module through the facilitation of small group sessions and presentations. This tutoring role is delivered through our students' clinical placements in these years and provides a perfect opportunity to develop your teaching skills in partnership with an experienced tutor. Regular training events will be provided along with opportunities to network with each other.
Applications for the Safer Medic tutor scheme have now closed. If you wish to be contacted about future opportunities, please email Y3mbchb@leeds.ac.uk